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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  October 8, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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the government shutdo the government shutdown enters its second week. and the impasse over the federal budget is pushing the u.s. closer to default. a new arrest is made in the motorcycle road rage case. and some are questioning why police didn't act. when at least three officers with thenessed the chase. that ball is field to left. that ball is gone! and the dodgers lead! >> postseason passions in major league baseball. home runs and heated arguments as the playoff stabling, raised. steering contest -- go, i win! >> and buying burgundy, a u.s. carmaker is hoping the anchorman works as a pitch man. >> look, i'm not lying!
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>> this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, october 8th, >> this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, october 8th, 2013. captioning funded by cbs good morning, good to be with you, i'm anne-marie green. well, the partial government shutdown enters its second week this morning with no sign of a compromise. president obama and house republicans traded new accusations as the country lurches closer to the debt ceiling deadline. senate democrats plan to introduce a bill as early as today to raise the borrowing limits. susan mcginnis is in washington, susan, good morning. >> anne-marie, good morning. we are into day eight of the shut down, nine days away to the country reaching its debt limit. no movement here on capitol hill. now, both house of congress will be working today as a plan forward as americans wonder when they were will be working together. >> reporter: house republicans will meet behind closed doors this morning to strategize about how they will handle the government shutdown and the looming debt ceiling crisis.
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>> over the last ten days we've been through quite a bit. >> reporter: house speaker john boehner said the president has the power to end the stalemate. >> the president's refusal to negotiate is hurting our economy and put putting our country at risk. >> reporter: but the president says only congress can approve funding bills. and he's calling on speaker boehner to allow a vote on a no strings attached bill the president believes has enough support to pass. >> the reason that speaker boehner hasn't called a vote on it is because he doesn't, apparently, want to see the government shutdown end at the moment. >> reporter: it wasn't just the two sides debating. the government is expected to run out of money to pay its bills on october 17th unless the country raises its debt limit. china, america's largest creditor is calling on the u.s. to resolve the political stalemate in order to protect its investments and avoid hurting the global economies. >> work with us to bring about stability around the world. >> reporter: the senate has begun work on a new bill to
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raise the debt ceiling. the first vote could come as early as friday. now, it looks like democrats are going to try to get republicans to agree to a long-term, trillion dollar increase in order to avoid hitting the debt ceiling. but the white house is indicating it may be open to a short-term hike to avoid going over that cliff. anne-marie. >> let's hope they can hammer something out, susan mcginnis in washington, thanks. well, a houston couple is donating $10 million to head start to keep it running during the government shutdown. the pre-kindergarten money says the money from laura and don arnold will help 7,000 families but others won't be as lucky as michelle miller found out. >> wee! >> reporter: it's been a week since danielle smith told parents at the george p. pitkin learning center that its head start program was closed. the government shut down before it sent grant money to connecticut. >> what did your family say?
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>> i had parents who told me i'm going to lose my job, if i don't have child care, i can't go to work. they were asking for help, and i couldn't help them. >> reporter: 300 students have been affected here. it's also cost danielle smith her job as a family counselor. how long can you last? >> i don't know. i'm struggling. >> reporter: did you know this was coming? >> i followed it. but i thought politicians from both sides would come together and realize this is going to affect millions of people. >> call us back to see if there's anything we can do for you. >> reporter: a thousand children have been locked out at the 13 programs run by bill bellaaqua. >> we issued 313 layoff notices. they don't have alternatives to turn to. you know, it's going to get cold soon. they don't have heating. the lights won't stay on. the landlord wants his rent. >> reporter: danielle smith wants to look for work but can't. her son was a student here, too.
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>> not only can't i go to work, i don't have child care either. you still got your stuff for when you come back, right? >> reporter: how does it make you feel? >> sad, he's missing the teachers. he's missing the lessons. and it's just sad. >> reporter: as many as 87,000 children could be affected across the country if the shutdown drags on to november. but the head start program in connecticut can reopen as soon as congress gives the go-ahead that the grants are on their way. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. the supreme court will hear organize arguments this morning in its first major case of the new term. it involves a challenge to the country's campaign finance laws that limit contributions from individuals to political campaigns. those limits were put in place after watergate. this term, the court will also weigh cases involving recess, political appointments, abortion rights and affirmative action. and the man who was one of the world's most wanted terror
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suspects is being questioned by elite u.s. interrogators this morning. we're learning new details about his capture in north africa and a simultaneous raid in east africa that did not go as well. danielle nottingham reports. >> reporter: abu anas al libi is being held on the "usa antonio" which is in international waters on the mediterranean sea. he was captured. sources say al libi was part of osama bin laden's inner circle in the 1990s. interrogators from the military intelligence community and the justice department will be pressing him about al qaeda's terror network and any future attack plans. >> al libi has been indicted in the southern district of new york, in connection with his alleged role in al qaeda's conspiracy to kill u.s. nationals and to conduct attacks against u.s. interests worldwide. >> reporter: al libi is accused of helping plan the 1998
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bombings of two u.s. embassies in africa. those attacks killed 224 people, including 12 americans. a second weekend raid in somalia targeted a kenya terror suspect named ikrimah. he's said to be pat of the terror group al shabaab. navy s.e.a.l.s approached the compound where ikrimah is said to be hiding. but a firefight broke out before they could get to it. rather than call in an air strike to kill ikrimah and the civilians and children nearby, the s.e.a.l.s called off the raid. danielle nottingham, cbs news. well, communities are cleaning up this morning after a damaging round of storms swept through the northeast. strong winds and heavy rain brought down trees and power lines and struck a fire in northern new jersey. utility crews are working to restore power to thousands of families. the dakotas are digging out after a weekend blizzard. it dumped a record amount of snow. 4 feet in some areas. it knocked down trees.
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thousands remain without power. at least four deaths were attributed to the weather. coming up on the "morning news," the markets react to the government shutdown and ron burgundy takes on a real job as a car salesman. this is the "cbs morning news." "cbs morning news." but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function,
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a 13,000-pound concrete weight dangling from a crane 40 floors above the streets of midtown manhattan is now safely on the ground. the load got stuck yesterday morning. it took all day for workers to lower the heavy cargo back down and the closure of west 57th street caused traffic gridlock. the same site where a crane's boom collapsed last you're during superstorm sandy. on the "cbs moneywatch," a warning about tainted chicken and anchorman ron burgundy takes a second job. wendy gillette is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, wendy. >> good morning, anne-marie.
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asian stocks rebounded on news that china's surfaces industry continues to expand. tokyo's nikkei added a quarter%. hong kong's hang seng gained 1%. with the government shut down beginning to bear on investors, wall street endured a down day, with stocks finishing at their lowest in a month. the dow ended the day another 136 points. while the nasdaq shed 37. aluminum giant alcoa reveals its earnings report today. it comes a day after an analyst lowered the target for the company due to a recent fall in aluminum prices, sending the stocks falling 1.4% before trading. big banks will begin releasing their reports on friday. americans will be keeping their credit cards in their wallets. cutting back on spending for the third consecutive month. americans' credit card debt fell $883 million to about $860 billion which experts fear could stun economic blow. the overall borrowing increased to a record $8.6 billion in august.
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driven entirely by auto and student loans. there's a public health alert after nearly 300 people were sickened by salmonella. the u.s. department of agriculture on monday issued a warning over raw chicken packaged by foster farms. salmonella outbreaks in 18 states, most in california. foster farms says the illnesses were caused by eating undercooked or improperly handled chicken. new 100 dollar bills bin circulating today with a redesign intended to make the bills a lot harder to counterfeit. it's the first redesign since 1996. and includes a vanishing liberty bell and a 3d security ribbon. the federal reserve will deliver these new notes to banks across the country today, after more than a decade in development. fictional tv news anchor ron burgundy is trying to stay classy for chrysler. >> i'm the only one with the guts to tell you about this glove box.
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12.1 koubek feet of glove. 12 volt light bulb. >> he plays in a series of commercials for the dodge chrysler suv. chrysler's advertising is much smaller than ford and gm. chrysler working out a deal to promote ferrell. the anchorman sequel out in december. stay classy, okay? >> you stay classy. windy gillette at the new york stock exchange, thank you. well, straight ahead, your tuesday morning weather and in sports, quick play in a late inning sends one team packing and keeps another team alive in major league baseball. multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. we'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪
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♪ hey! must be the honey! kerri: hey! kerri the sparkle® fairy here. are you about to drop some serious coin on paper towels? mom: well, i use bounty... kerri: ooo! do you really want a paper towel that can hold a bowling ball? eek! here's a bright idea. use sparkle® with thirst pockets®. it's just right for cleaning up everyday little messes without cleaning out your piggy bank. sparkle®. the bright way to clean. gotta jet! i'm okay, i'm okay.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. new york, partly sunny, 68 degrees. the high in miami, thunderstorms. mostly sunny chicago, dallas is sunny as well. and morning fog in los angeles. time now for a check of the national forecast. rain will fall from northeast florida to the carolinas today with the potential for coastal flooding and rough surf. a developing storm system brings showers and in higher elevations snow in the pacific northwest. there's a red flag warning stretching from southern nebraska, southwest into new mexico. expect nice weather in much of the northeast and midwest. in sports, some dramatic finishes in all four baseball's postseason series. we'll start with the national league. the dodgers trying to close out the braves. and they get a huge performance
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from carl crawford. he homers in the first and again in the third. l.a. trails atlanta in the eighth when juan uribe comes to the plate. >> that ball is drilled to left! that ball is gone! and the dodgers lead. >> the dodgers shut down the braves in the ninth and advanced to the n.l. championship series with the 4-3 win. the other n.l. series now will come down to a decisive game five, st. louis pitcher michael wacha takes a no-hitter into the eighth inning and matt holliday provides all the offense the cardinals need with a two-run homer. the cards beat the pirates 2-1. the series finale will be in st. louis. in the american league, tampa bay trying to force a game force against boston. it looks like the red sox are in control with a 3-0 lead but evan longoria ties it for the rays
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with a three-run homer in the fifth inning. and with the game still stied at the bottom of the ninth, rays backup catcher jose lobaton gets to play the hero. >> oh yeah! >> lobaton dumped the walk-off homer in the rays' center field. tampa bay staying alive with the 5-4 win. the oakland a's will have a chance to finish off the tigers, winning 6-3. in the ninth inning ace pitcher grant balfour and victor martinez get into a scuffle and the benches clear. no punches are thrown, but the tension could spill over into game four. a heartbreaking finish for the atlanta falcons on "monday night football." the falcons take a one-point lead over the jets with less than two minutes to play in the game. but new york has enough time left to kick the game-winning
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field goal as the clock expires. the jets win 30-28. when we return, bringing a knife to a gun fight. we'll show you what happens when an armed robber suddenly faces a store clerk with an extra large blade. suddenly faces a store clerk with an extra large blade. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: upbeat ] [ dog ] we found it together. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
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♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ we, we chocolate cross over ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over ♪ [ male announcer ] fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate why one of the most popular brands of chicken is blaming buyers. bay area commuters get a temporary breather. bart wos won't walk off the job.. at least for now. a wild fight at the a's gam. the dramatic action the cro encouraged officers to take that they actually did. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 good morning. it's tuesday, ,,,,
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. washington, d.c., partly sunny, 72 degrees. atlanta, mostly cloudy, st. louis will be sunny, 72 the high. denver partly sunny and showers in seattle. a long island convenience store clerk uses a hidden weapon to fight an armed would-be robber. check out this surveillance video. the robber walks into the store on september 25th and fires a shot into the wall but the clerk then pulled out a large machete from under the counter and chases the robber out of the store. new york city police have charged a fourth motorcyclist in that brutal road rage beating.
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and at least three off-duty police officers riding with the biker group could also be in trouble. don dahler reports. >> reporter: an undercover cop stood by when the suv driven by alexian lien was attacked by a gang of motorcyclists. his attorney says he did not witness lien being beaten. the officer took several days to tell his superiors about the incident. the attorney says he did not intervene because he didn't want to blow his cover. this is video taken before things turned violent on september 29th. in addition to the undercover officer, there were at least two other off-duty officers among the bikers. 911 operators received over 200 calls complaining the bikers were endangering pedestrians by riding on the sidewalks, going against traffic and running red lights. police say the investigation started when christopher cruz slowed in front of the suv containing lien, his wife and
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2-year-old daughter. cruz said he was trying to find his friends. he is one of three men currently facing charges. bikers surrounded the suv. moments later it accelerated through the crowd, seriously injuring one of the motorcyclists. biker reginald chance who admits he's the guy breaking the window with his helmet turned himself into police. attorney gregory watt said -- >> the law does allow someone who is a victim of an accident to at least attempt to get the identification of a motorist. >> a passerby saw them beating the driver with his helmet. he said he stopped it. >> i said stop, i don't know what they were thinking but somehow they stopped. >> reporter: the undercover officer had his badge and gun stripped pending internal affairs review. officials are still
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investigating why none of the officers intervened. they could face criminal charges for impeding the investigation. don dahler, cbs, new york. >> i'm anne-marie green, this is the "cbs morning news." to anything. an feel t and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-popcorn decoy bucket. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness.
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with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix is a bag of interesting. and some days it seems true. goes unpunished. but we keep on doing the things that matter& like buying new raspberry 5 hour energy. from now to the end of the year, a portion of each sale... benefits living beyond breast cancer, to empower women affected by breast cancer.
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new raspberry 5 hour energy. it's one good deed that will go just right. the nfl has agreed to meet next month with a group that wants the washington redskins to change their name. the oneida indian nation held a composium in washington yesterday. the tribe said the term "redskins" say divisive slur. the group was joined by several lawmakers. the owner of the redskins had vowed to never change the team's name. and the owner of the dallas cowboys has the nfl's most valuable franchise but jerry jones has had trouble maki isnes has had trouble maki jones on a range of issues, expanding the league a testing. >> we first met jerry jones for a "60 minutes" story for his monument of football known as at&t stadium. jones is on the nfl's management
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council executive committee can, and we wanted to know why the league and the players' union haven't reached an agreement to begin testing for the banned drug human growth hormone or hgh. what would you say to the players organization about the human growth hormone and your decision to test for it? >> i said, let's get this together. let's get on the same page. that's what we said we would do two or three years ago. most players agree with that. the politics of getting that done is hard. >> well, if most players agree and if you agree that hgh has to go, why has it taken three years and you're still not there? >> well, scott, if i could solve that, then move me up into washington, and there's some problems up there i could solve. >> you are determined to get hgh out of the game if indeed it's there? >> absolutely. >> after jones bought the cowboys in 1989, he helped reinvent the nfl's business model, generating enormous
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wealth. the cowboys are now worth $2.6 billion. we asked jones if there's even more room to grow. >> the commissioner roger goodell seems hell-bent to start a team in london. and i wonder what you think of that? >> you know, scott, only 7% of nfl fans have ever been inside an nfl stadium. just 7%. not 70%. and so it's television, and that's how people participate. so as far as our game is concerned and all of our fans in the united states, a team playing in london can be viewed and be entertaining and be competitive and be very much a part of the nfl. >> it sounds like you're for this? >> i think i'm for growing the pie. i am for pushing the envelope. >> but you see, looking down the road, professional american football being globalized? >> where we have great markets that have a history of being
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interested in nfl football, in american football, which we have that in mexico, we certainly have it in canada. can we have it in great britain? i think so. so, yes, i think there's enough there to get interested. i haven't -- i'm not ready to vote for it yet. but that's what we're in the trial stage to look at it over a two-year period. >> that was scott pelley reporting. and that's the "cbs morning news" for this tuesday. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ,,,,
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your real reeling -- >> your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, october 8. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. nearly 4:30 on your tuesday. let's get you out the door with a little weather. it was kind of cold this morning. >> it is cooler than yesterday at this hour. yesterday we had only one
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temperature in the 40s. currently we have 44 degrees in santa rosa, upper 40s in pacifica to 47 degrees in napa. a cooler day is slated for this tuesday. your full pinpoint forecast is still straight ahead. >> and checking the roadways right now, here's a live over to the bay bridge toll plaza this morning, we have that upper deck roadwork from the towers east bay. >> welcome back. >> thank you. i feel all rested. >> that will go away very soon. [ laughter ] >> thanks so much. well, salmonella outbreak has sickened hundreds and foster farms isn't issuing a recall. kpix 5's joe vazquez reports, the company is saying people aren't cooking the chicken properly. >> the number is right there. >> reporter: ed of el sobrante says he bought foster farms raw chicken and was about to prepare dinner when he saw a


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